Submitting records

Through iRecord

The preferred method for submitting records, particularly if you become a frequent submitter, is through the online recording system iRecord.  This user friendly and free to use system has been developed by BRC as a way of easily making records available to recording schemes and local records centres.

Through database or spreadsheet files

If you have electronic records that you would prefer to submit as database or spreadsheet files, I would be delighted to receive them by email (to or other means and I shall do my best to incorporate them.

Through hard copy

If you have non-electronic records that you would prefer to submit as hard copy, I would be delighted to receive them by post (to Ian J. Winfield, BRC Freshwater Fish Recording Scheme, Lake Ecosystems Group, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Lancaster Environment Centre, Library Avenue, Bailrigg, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 4AP, U.K.) or other means and I shall do my best to incorporate them.

Through direct email

If you have a single record that you would like to submit with a minimum of effort, I would be delighted to receive it by email (to and I shall do my best to incorporate it.