iRecord Grasshoppers mobile app
Please note that the iRecord Grasshoppers app is fully functional on Apple devices, but the Android version is currently limited and may not work on newer phones. We hope to make a new Android version available in the future.
Do you know your crickets from your grasshoppers?
The iRecord Grasshoppers app helps you identify the grasshoppers, crickets, earwigs, cockroaches and stick-insects that you see or hear, and lets you record sightings to support their study and conservation and contribute to a new national atlas.
The chirping of grasshoppers and crickets is one of the quintessential sounds of summer. They can be very numerous in some habitats and play essential ecological roles - for example as a food source for threatened species like skylarks, grey partridges, cirl buntings, corncrakes and harvest mice - or (in the case of crickets) as predators helping to control pests such as aphids.
Björn Beckmann who helped create the app said: "Many species have been declining, but others have expanded their distributions and some have even newly arrived. The Grasshoppers and Related Insects Recording Scheme maps and analyses distributions to see how species are responding to changes in land use and climate. This work would not be possible without the help of people reporting where they find a species, and we hope the app will make this easier."
Many thanks for taking part! For results and further information please see the app results summary and the grasshopper scheme website. Verified records are published on the NBN Gateway.
If you would like to record grasshoppers but don't have a compatible mobile device please use the grasshopper website or the iRecord website.