We also supply information which may be of use to research scientists. (Images link to more information.) Database of Insects and their Food Plants Picture: Roger Key A dichotomous key to subfamilies of Ichneumonidae in Britain and Ireland Electron micrograph: Sondra Ward Database & Atlas of Freshwater Fishes Boyd Robin J., Powney Gary D., Burns Fiona, Danet Alain, Duchenne François, Grainger Matthew J., Jarvis Susan G., Martin Gabrielle, Nilsen Erlend B., Porcher Emmanuelle, Stewart Gavin B., Wilson Oliver J., Pescott Oliver L. (2022) ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk-of-bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology Boyd Robin J., Carvell Claire, Powney Gary D., Pescott Oliver L (2021) occAssess: An R package for assessing potential biases in species occurrence data https://github.com/robboyd/occAssess/releases Hill Mark O (2013) Spherikm - a computer program for clustering columns and rows of an occurrence matrix using weighted spherical k-means spherikm_public_version.zip509.52 KB Harrower Colin A (2011) CLUSTASPEC - An R function to determine patterns in distribution clustaspec.zip9.76 KB Hill Mark O (2011) Frescalo - a computer program to analyse your biological records frescalo.zip3.7 MB Hill Mark O, Preston Christopher D., Bosanquet Sam D.S., Roy D. B. (2007) BRYOATT - Attributes of British and Irish Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts - Spreadsheet Bryoatt_updated_2017.zip433.58 KB Cox Michael L (2007) Atlas of the Seed and Leaf Beetles of Britain and Ireland, supplementary material bruchid_chrysomelid_cox_supplementary_material.zip495.52 KB (2005) An audit of non-native species in England - supporting data english-nature-non-native-audit-report-662.xls2.11 MB Hill Mark O, Preston Christopher D., Roy D. B. (2004) PLANTATT - Attributes of British and Irish Plants - Spreadsheet PLANTATT_19_Nov_08.zip1.42 MB