Sawfly recorders meeting

Earlier in November BRC organised a meeting of sawfly recorders, to share ideas about how we can support the existing national recording scheme to further interest in, and recording of, sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). This was held at the Angela Marmont Centre of the Natural History Museum, and also served to celebrate the launch of a new NHM guide to sawflies in genus Tenthredo. This beautifully illustrated colour identification guide, by Krisztina Fekete, can be downloaded from the NHM website (pdf, c. 150MB).

Alongside this new guide, an increasing number of sawfly-related resources are becoming available, including Steven Falk's Flickr collection of sawfly images. Steven has recently completed a set of images for the species in family Cimbicidae, from which the example on this page is taken. County sawfly recorders are in place for a number of counties and regions, many of whom are working with records sent in via iRecord to update the available data for sawflies.

BRC has produced a resources list (pdf, 512KB, version 1.6 at 8 April 2019) that provides links to keys, online photo collections and other resources.


Orange-horned Scabious Sawfly, Abia sericea (male)
Image source
Steven Falk's Flickr pages