Ball, S.G. & McLean, I.F.G. (1986) A Preliminary Atlas of the Sciomyzidae of Great Britain. Sciomyzidae Recording Scheme Newsletter.
McLean I F. G.
First name
Middle name
F. G.
Last name
Davies, C., Shelley, J., Harding, P.T., McLean, I.F.G., Gardiner, R. & Peirson, G. (2004) Freshwater Fishes in Britain - the Species and Their Distribution. Harley Books, Colchester.
Hill, M.O., Arnold, H.R., Broad, G.R., Brown, P.M.J., James, T.J., McLean, I.F.G., Preston, C.D., Rowland, F. & Roy, D.B. (2006) Biological Records Centre Annual Report 2005-2006. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough.
Hill, M.O., Arnold, H.R., Broad, G.R., Burton, V., James, T.J., McLean, I.F.G., Preston, C.D., Rowland, F. & Roy, D.B. (2005) Biological Records Centre: Report 1999-2004. JNCC.