How to add a slide to the front page

The slide show of images on the website home page is the centre of attention and is a way to make the site beautiful and to lead people in to areas of the website that we think are particularly important. The whole impression that the website delivers could be ruined by a shoddy photo. Please choose images with care. You may need to take photos specially so that the subject can fit in to the left hand side of the narrow rectangle. Crop them and resize them to 1140x308px in a suitable programme before proceeding.

You need to be logged in and have at least editor permissions to perform this action.

  1. Click on the Content menu item in the top right.
  2. On the page that appears, click on the Add content link.
  3. On the page that appears, click the Slide link. Here is a shortcut.
  4. Enter a title. This will be overlaid on the image. Too short and it will look silly. Too long and it will get cut off. Around 50 chaacters is about right. The result is unpredictable because the word wrapping depends upon what you write so you need to test it. Vary the size of your browser window to ensure the title looks okay on all screen sizes.
  5. Choose your image file and upload it. After uploading enter a description of the image in the alternate text field. You need to do this to assist people with disabilities. Also enter a title which is the place where you have the opportunity to acknowledge the photographer. Copy an existing slide to provide consistent format.
  6. Enter a url to link the slide to the item of content that it is highlighting.
  7. Finally set the weight to determine the order of the slides. The bigger the number the heavier the slide so it sinks to the bottom of the list.
  8. Always click the Save button or your work will be lost.

To reorder slides more easily, go to /admin/content, select Type = Slide and Click the Filter button. You see a list of just the slides and can adjust the weights without having to edit individual records.