National Agromyzidae Recording Scheme

Taxonomic Group (English)
Leaf-miner flies
Taxonomic Group (Scientific)
Diptera: Agromyzidae
Scheme Organiser
Barry Warrington
Email Address

51 Buttfield Road, Hessle, East Yorkshire, HU13 0AX

About the scheme

The National Agromyzidae Recording Scheme covers leaf-mining flies, and aims to gain a greater understanding of this little-recorded family in terms of life-style habits, population and distribution trends. The scheme aims to collate historic and current data from Local Record Centres, wildlife organisations and individuals (both amateur and professional).

Promoting and generating a greater awareness of this family of flies with naturalists and the general public alike is an important goal. Long-term, the scheme aims to be in a position whereby producing an accurate Agromyzidae atlas is achievable.

For more information go to the recording scheme website, and see also the Dipterists Forum page for Agromyzidae.

Record Cards / Digital Recording Form



Boyd Robin J., Powney Gary D., Burns Fiona, Danet Alain, Duchenne François, Grainger Matthew J., Jarvis Susan G., Martin Gabrielle, Nilsen Erlend B., Porcher Emmanuelle, Stewart Gavin B., Wilson Oliver J., Pescott Oliver L. (2022) ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk-of-bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, n/a,
Hayhow D.B., Eaton M.A., Stanbury A.J., Burns F., Kirby W.B., Bailey N., Beckmann B., Bedford J., Boersch-Supan P.H., Coomber F., Dennis E.B., Dolman S.J., Dunn E., Hall J., Harrower C., Hatfield J.H., Hawley J., Haysom K., Hughes J., Johns D.G., Mathews F., McQuatters-Gollop A., Noble D.G., Outhwaite C.L., Pearce-Higgins J.W., Pescott O.L., Powney G.D., Symes N. (2019) State of nature 2019. , State of Nature Partnership, ,