Jim Bacon

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01524 595812


Thackeray S. J., Henrys P. A., Hemming D., Bell J. R., Botham M. S., Burthe S., Helaouet P., Johns D. G., Jones I. D., Leech D. I., Mackay E. B., Massimino D., Atkinson S., Bacon Jim, Brereton Tom M., Carvalho L., Clutton-Brock T. H., Duck C., Edwards M., Elliott J. M., Hall S. J. G., Harrington R., Pearce‐Higgins James W, Hoye T. T., Kruuk L. E. B., Pemberton J. M., Sparks T. H., Thompson P. M., White I., Winfield I. J., Wanless S. (2016) Phenological sensitivity to climate across taxa and trophic levels. Nature, , 535, 241-U94
Thackeray Stephen J., Henrys Peter A., Hemming Deborah, Bell James R., Botham M. S., Burthe Sarah, Helaouet Pierre, Johns David G., Jones Ian D., Leech David I., Mackay Eleanor B., Massimino Dario, Atkinson Sian, Bacon Jim, Brereton Tom M., Carvalho Laurence, Clutton-Brock Tim H., Duck Callan, Edwards Martin, Elliott Malcolm, Hall Stephen J. G., Harrington Richard, Pearce-Higgins James W., Høye Toke T., Kruuk Loeske E. B., Pemberton Josephine M., Sparks Tim H., Thompson Paul M., White Ian, Winfield Ian J., Wanless Sarah (2016) Phenological sensitivity to climate across taxa and trophic levels. Nature, , 535, 241
Defra Roy Helen E., Bacon Jim, Beckmann B, Harrower Colin A, Hill Mark O, Isaac Nick J. B., Preston Christopher D., Rathod Biren, Rorke Steph L., Marchant John H., Musgrove Andrew J., Noble David G., Sewell J., Seeley Becky, Sweet Natalie, Adams Leoni, Bishop John, Jukes Alison R, Walker Kevin J., Pearman David A. (2012) Non-Native Species in Great Britain: establishment, detection and reporting to inform effective decision-making. , Defra, ,
Thackeray S. J., Sparks Tim H., Frederiksen M., Burthe S., Bacon Jim, Bell J. R., Botham M. S., Brereton Tom M., Carvalho L., Clutton-Brock T.H., Dawson A., Edwards M., Elliott J. M., Harrington R., Johns D., Johns I.D., Jones J., Leech D., Pomeroy P., Roy D. B., Scott A., Smith M., Smithers R.J., Winfield I.J., Wanless S. (2010) Trophic level imbalances in rates of phenological change for marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments.. Global Change Biology, , ,
Defra Hill Mark O, Bacon Jim, Beckmann B, Bishop J. D. D., Marchant John H., Musgrove Andrew J., Rathod Biren, Roy Helen E., Sewell J. (2010) GB Non-native Species Information Portal: Interim report for the period February 2009 to March 2010. , Defra, ,
CEH Hill Mark O, Ames Stephanie L., Bacon Jim, Botham M. S., Lindsley-Leake S., Marchant John H., Preston Christopher D., Rehfisch M M., Roy D. B., Roy Helen E., Tyler-Walters H., Wright L. (2008) Non-native Species Portal Feasibility Study. , CEH, Huntingdon ,