Michael Pocock

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01491 692566


Pocock Michael J. O., Roy Helen E., August T.A., Kuria Anthony, Barasa Fred, Bett John, Githiru Mwangi, Kairo James, Kimani Julius, Kinuthia Wanja, Kissui Bernard, Madindou Ireene, Mbogo Kamau, Mirembe Judith, Mugo Paul, Muniale Faith Milkah, Njoroge Peter, Njuguna Edwin Gichohi, Olendo Mike Izava, Opige Michael, Otieno Tobias O., Ng'weno Caroline Chebet, Pallangyo Elisha, Thenya Thuita, Wanjiru Ann, Trevelyan Rosie (2019) Developing the global potential of citizen science: Assessing opportunities that benefit people, society and the environment in East Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, , ,
Redhead John W., Woodcock Ben A., Pocock Michael J. O., Pywell Richard F., Vanbergen Adam J., Oliver T. H. (2018) Potential landscape-scale pollinator networks across Great Britain: structure, stability and influence of agricultural land cover. Ecology Letters, , 21, 1821-1832
Macgregor Callum J., Kitson James J. N., Fox Richard, Hahn Christoph, Lunt David H., Pocock Michael J. O., Evans Darren M. (2018) Construction, validation, and application of nocturnal pollen transport networks in an agro-ecosystem: a comparison using light microscopy and DNA metabarcoding. Ecological Entomology, , ,
Pocock Michael J. O., Chandler Mark, Bonney Rick, Thornhill Ian, Albin Anna, August T.A., Bachman Steven, M.J. Peter (2018) Chapter Six - A Vision for Global Biodiversity Monitoring With Citizen Science. Advances in Ecological Research, , ,
Macgregor Callum J., Evans Darren M., Fox Richard, Pocock Michael J. O. (2017) The dark side of street lighting: impacts on moths and evidence for the disruption of nocturnal pollen transport. Global Change Biology, , 23, 697-707
Pocock Michael J. O., Roy Helen E., Fox Richard, Ellis Willem N., Botham M. S. (2017) Citizen science and invasive alien species: Predicting the detection of the oak processionary moth Thaumetopoea processionea by moth recorders. Biological Conservation, , 208, 146-154
Pocock Michael J. O., Tweddle John C., Savage Joanna, Robinson Lucy D., Roy Helen E. (2017) The diversity and evolution of ecological and environmental citizen science. PLOS ONE, , 12, e0172579
Macgregor C. J., Evans D. M., Fox Richard, Pocock Michael J. O. (2017) The dark side of street lighting: impacts on moths and evidence for the disruption of nocturnal pollen transport. Global Change Biology, , 23, 697-707
Evans Darren M., Kitson James J. N., Lunt David H., Straw Nigel A., Pocock Michael J. O. (2016) Merging DNA metabarcoding and ecological network analysis to understand and build resilient terrestrial ecosystems. Functional Ecology, , 30, 1904-1916
Pocock Michael J. O., Evans D. M., Fontaine C., Harvey M., Julliard R., McLaughlin O., Silvertown J., Tamaddoni-Nezhad A., White P. C. L., Bohan D. A., Woodward G., Bohan D. A. (2016) The Visualisation of Ecological Networks, and Their Use as a Tool for Engagement, Advocacy and Management. Ecosystem Services: From Biodiversity to Society, Pt 2, , 54, 41-85
Roy Helen E., Baxter Elizabeth, Saunders Aoine, Pocock Michael J. O. (2016) Focal Plant Observations as a Standardised Method for Pollinator Monitoring: Opportunities and Limitations for Mass Participation Citizen Science. PLOS ONE, , 11, e0150794
Sauve Alix M. C., Thébault Elisa, Pocock Michael J. O., Fontaine Colin (2016) How plants connect pollination and herbivory networks and their contribution to community stability. Ecology, , 97, 908-917
Roy Helen E., Baxter E., Saunders A., Pocock Michael J. O. (2016) Focal Plant Observations as a Standardised Method for Pollinator Monitoring: Opportunities and Limitations for Mass Participation Citizen Science. Plos One, , 11,
Pocock Michael J. O., Newson Stuart E, Henderson Ian G, Peyton J., Sutherland William J, Noble David G., Ball Stuart G, Beckmann B, Biggs Jeremy, Brereton Tom M., Bullock David J, Buckland Stephen T, Edwards Mike, Eaton Mark A, Harvey Martin C, Hill Mark O, Horlock Martin, Hubble David S, Julian Angela M, Mackey Edward C, Mann Darren J, Marshall Matthew J, Medlock Jolyon M, O'Mahony Elaine M, Pacheco Marina, Porter Keith, Prentice Steve, Procter Deborah A, Roy Helen E., Southway Sue E, Shortall Chris R, Stewart Alan JA, Wembridge David E, Wright Mark A, Roy D. B. (2015) Developing and enhancing biodiversity monitoring programmes: a collaborative assessment of priorities. Journal of Applied Ecology, , 52, 686–695
NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Pocock Michael J. O., Chapman D.S., Sheppard L.J., Roy Helen E. (2014) A strategic framework to support the implementation of citizen science for environmental monitoring. , NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford ,