Rare Arable Flowers App

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Plant Atlas 2020 data released!

Whilst the Plant Atlas 2020 website already allows most maps and charts to be downloaded as images, the provision of these data as open resources will open up new research opportunities, and allow others to experiment with novel visualisations approaches.


All datasets are published with DOIs for citation purposes, and we looking forward to tracking innovative uses of these over the years to come!

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Graph showing distribution of Antennaria dioica within 50 km latitudinal by 100 m altitudinal bands in Britain.
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iRecord News May 2024

Verification tools 

Increasing numbers of biological records are very welcome and valuable but can put a strain on the volunteer verifier community. We worked with Butterfly Conservation as part of the Supporting Science project to improve the functionality in the iRecord verification system to make their job easier. Thank-you to all the verifiers who were involved in the consultation process. Improvements implemented in 2023 include:  

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