Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland

Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland, regd. office: WMT LLP Chartered Accountants, 4 Beaconsfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3RD
The Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland is for everyone who is interested in the flora of Britain and Ireland. We welcome both professional and amateur members. The society is the biggest and most active organisation devoted to the study of botany in Britain, Ireland, the Channel Isles and the Isle of Man.
The Plant Atlas 2020, produced by the BSBI, is the most in-depth survey of the British and Irish flora ever undertaken. It builds on two previous plant distribution atlases published by the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland in the twentieth century and will serve as an essential resource for the study and conservation of our wild plants and their vitally important habitats for decades to come.
Thousands of botanists spent 20 years recording wild and naturalised plants across Britain and Ireland. They collected more than 30 million records which fed into the Plant Atlas 2020 website, book and summary reports.
Record Cards / Digital Recording Form
Size | Card type | Digital Recording Form | Download | |
Vascular Plants - North England | A4 | RP24 | Card87.08 KB | |
Vascular Plants - Scotland | A4 | RP25 | Card86.96 KB | |
Vascular Plants - South-west England | A4 | RP26 | ||
Vascular Plants - Wales | A4 | RP27 | ||
Vascular Plants - Midland / East Anglia | A4 | RP28 | ||
Vascular Plants - South-east England | A4 | RP29 | ||
Vascular Plants - South-east England (abbrev.) | A4 | RP30 | ||
Vascular Plants - Ireland | A4 | RP31 |
Plant Atlas 2020: Mapping Changes in the Distribution of the British and Irish Flora. Princeton University Press, . | (2023)
Hybrid flora of the British Isles. Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, Bristol . | (2015)
Atlas of British and Irish brambles. Botanical Society of the British Isles., London . | (2004)
New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora. Oxford University Press, Oxford . | (2002)
Atlas of ferns of the British Isles. Botanical Society of the British Isles and British Pteridological Society, London . | (1978)
Critical supplement to the atlas of the British flora. Nelson, London . | (1968)
Atlas of the British flora. Nelson, London . | (1962)