Chrysomelidae Recording Scheme
Taxonomic Group (English)
Taxonomic Group (Scientific)
Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae
Scheme Organiser
Michael Geiser
Email Address
Record Cards / Digital Recording Form
Size | Card type | Digital Recording Form | Download | |
Coleoptera: Bruchidae & Chrysomelidae (seed- and leaf-beetles) | A5 | RA41 |
Atlas of the Seed and Leaf Beetles of Britain and Ireland, supplementary material. , . | (2007)
Atlas of the Seed and Leaf Beetles of Britain and Ireland. Pisces Publications, Newbury . | (2007)
ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk-of-bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, n/a, | (2022)
Complex long-term biodiversity change among invertebrates, bryophytes and lichens. Nature Ecology & Evolution, , 4, 384-392, | (2020)
Annual estimates of occupancy for bryophytes, lichens and invertebrates in the UK, 1970–2015. Scientific Data, , 6, | (2019)
State of nature 2019. , State of Nature Partnership, , | (2019)
Developing and enhancing biodiversity monitoring programmes: a collaborative assessment of priorities. Journal of Applied Ecology, , 52, 686–695 | (2015)
The role of ecological interactions in determining species ranges and range changes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, , 115, 647–663 | (2015)