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Red Listing and Indicators
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National Moth Recording Scheme
Extinction risk from climate change is reduced by microclimatic buffering
An assessment of the state of nature in the United Kingdom: A review of findings, methods and impact
Citizen science and invasive alien species: Predicting the detection of the oak processionary moth Thaumetopoea processionea by moth recorders
Lepidoptera communities across an agricultural gradient: how important are habitat area and habitat diversity in supporting high diversity?
Agricultural management and climatic change are the major drivers of biodiversity change in the UK
Developing and enhancing biodiversity monitoring programmes: a collaborative assessment of priorities
The moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland: Vol. 7 (part 2), Lasiocampidae to Thyatiridae.
Lepidoptera: general (moths & butterflies)
Long-term changes in the distribution of British moths consistent with opposing and synergistic effects of climate and land use change
C4. Status of threatened species
National Moth Recording Scheme
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